people book is an address book with a very Mac-user-friendly and intuitive interface.
It has all the features most people need for everyday use, plus some more sophisticated ones, designed to be as convenient to use as possible.
If you decide to keep people book, please obtain a 20$ shareware license either online using the "Register Online" link or using the "Register" application provided in the people book folder.
Please let me know about any bugs or incompatibilities you find at <>.
key features
- Elegant, intuitive interface
- Drag & Drop
- Extensive printing features
- Smart dialling
- Dialling "Locations" for travellers
- Email- & Internet automation
- Internationally compatible
- "As-you-type" search & complex search
- Import & Export
- MacOS™ 7.1 or higher
- 68K release:
68020 Processor or higher
- PPC release:
PowerPC™ Processor
- For email/internet automation, "Internet Config" or MacOS™ 8.5 or higher.
Created with REALbasic™ 2.1 by REAL Software, Inc.
Send suggestions, questions, bug reports and opinions to <>.
(Please note that support can only be given in English and German.)
Find localised versions of people book and more of my software at <>.
Distibution via shareware CDs or websites is permitted.
disclaimer of warranty
In using this software, you understand and agree that this software is provided without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and performance of using this software lies entirely with you, the user. The author does not make any warranties with respect to this software.
thanks to:
Edgar Arias, Davide Betto, Philippe Demoulin, Wijnandt T. de Vries and Jan van Weerden for localisation.
Frank Bieber, Joern Kraus and Anand Sagoo for great ideas and help.
Matthijs van Duin for his QDRegion class.
Thomas Tempelmann for his Alias Mgr Plugin.
All people who gave me feedback and those who tested people book.